What's on



- Therapeutic movements ( Asana) to relieve tight and tense muscles as well as form new movement pathways .
- Breathwork (Pranayama) to calm the nervous system
- Meditation to find greater resilience through strengthening the mind and reconnecting to your body

We will be exploring a mix of Yoga, Mindfulness, Pranayama ( breathing techniques ),Meditation and QiGong ( pronounced Chi Gong.It is a very ancient- 1000s of years old- Chinese movement system to help body & mind coordination as well as energy flow.The literal translation is “energy work” )
Yoga is so much more than making shapes and ‘stretching’...it is a philosophy which can be taken off the mat and into how you live your life...or left on the mat as an interesting concept and something you enjoy each week
All welcome
“If you can breath then you can do Yoga”

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